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Affirmative Sentences in Hindi : Rules, Structures and 50 Examples

Affirmative Sentences in Hindi
इस आर्टिकल में हम Affirmative sentences in Hindi सीखेंगे. इसे हम ‘positive sentences’ भी कहते हैं. इसमें definition, ...
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How are you meaning in Hindi : Reply देना सीखें

how are you meaning in Hindi
अक्सर हम रोज “How are you” वाक्य का प्रयोग करते है, लेकिन हमे यह पता नहीं होता की ...
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Crush Meaning in Hindi : Crush vs Love

Crush meaning in hindi
अक्सर हम रोज Crush शब्द का प्रयोग करते है, लेकिन हमे यह पता नहीं होता की Crush Meaning ...
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Conditional Sentences in Hindi with Examples

conditional sentences in hindi
Conditional Sentences in Hindi – Complete Explanation with Examples. What is a conditional sentence? Types of Conditional Sentences. ...
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Preposition in Hindi

preposition in Hindi
PREPOSITION किसी भी वाक्य में कई Parts of speech का इस्तेमाल होता है। उनमें से ही एक ज़रूर ...
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Adverb in Hindi

adverb in hindi
ADVERB Adverb वो शब्द होते हैं जो Verb, Adjective या दूसरे Adverb की विशेषता बताता है। Adverb is ...
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Auxiliary Verb in Hindi

auxiliary verbs in Hindi
 AUXILIARY VERB Auxiliary Verb English Grammar का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। Auxiliary शब्द का अर्थ होता है सहायक, इसीलिए ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 21

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 21
मैंने एक साल के लिए सिगरेट पीना छोड़ दिया था। I gave up smoking for a year. मुझे ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 20

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 20
Module – 96 बत्ती बंद करदो, प्लीज़। Turn off the light, please. हम सब उसके मज़ाक पर हँसे। ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 19

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 19
Module – 91 कितना बदल गया तू ! How changed you are! समय कितना बदल गया है ! ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 18

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 18
Module – 86 हमारे बीच बातचीत नहीं है। We are not in speaking terms. / We don’t talk ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 17

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 17
Module – 81 हम हर रोज़ नई चीजें सीखते हैं। We learn new things every day. उसकी स्थिति ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 16

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 16
Module – 76 बच्चों को बाहर भेजा गया। Children were sent outside. मुझे इसके बारे में सूचित नहीं ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 15

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 15
Module – 71 आपने गिलास को उल्टा पकड़ रखा है। You have held the glass upside down. आपने ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 14

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 14
Module – 66 आप बहुत देर लगा रहे हैं | You are taking too long. आप कहाँ काम ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 13

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 13
Module – 61 ये किसने किया? Who did it? उसने अनजाने में मुझे दुख पहुंचाया। He unknowingly hurt ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 12

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 12
Module – 56 वो अपने सपनों को साकार करेगा। He will fulfill his dreams. / He will materialize ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 11

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 11
Module – 51 मैं ऊपर की ओर जा रहा हूँ। I am going upwards पत्थर को ऊपर की ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 10

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 10
Module – 46 राम घूमता है। Ram walks. राम घूमने जाता है। Ram goes for a walk. वह ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 9

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 9
Module – 41 मैं तुम्हारे पीछे था। I was behind you. उसके पीछे कितने लोग खड़े हैं? How ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 8

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 8
Module – 36 क्या उसने मुझे फोन करने दिया? Did he let me call/phone/ring? तुमने उसे जाने क्यों ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 7

Module – 31 आप/तुम कौन हो? Who are you?? कौन जानता है? Who knows? कौन कौन जानते हैं? ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 6

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 6
Module – 26 मैं मजे कर रहा हूँ। I am having fun. / I am enjoying myself मैं ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 5

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 5
Module – 21 मैं 4 बजे तक निकल जाऊँगा। I will leave by 4 o’clock. हम सुबह तक ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 4

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 4
Module – 16 तुम वहाँ क्यों छिपे हुए हो? Why are you hidden there? जंगल में एक राजा ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 3

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 3
Module – 11 क्या तुम्हारे पास मोबाइल है? Do you have a mobile? मैं कौन हूँ? Who am ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 2

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 2
Module – 6 रोशनी को गीत गाना पड़ा था। Roshni had to sing a song. पिताजी को दिल्ली ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 1

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 1
Click Here to Donwload FREE👉3000+ Daily Use Sentences Ebook Module – 1 मुझसे झूठ मत बोलो । Don’t ...
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Main Verb in Hindi

main Verb in Hindi
Main Verb अगर आपको English grammar सीखना है तो आपको Main verb (मुख्य क्रिया) क्या होता है और ...
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Verb Forms in Hindi

Verb Forms in Hindi
Verb Forms यदि आप सीखना चाहते हैं कि क्रिया (Verb) क्या है और क्रिया के रूप (Verb Forms) ...
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USe of Articles (A, An and The)

Use of Articles A An The
Table of Contents USE OF ARTICLES (A, An, The) A, An और The ये ऐसे शब्द हैं जिनका ...
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Pronoun in Hindi to English

Pronoun in Hindi
Table of Contents PRONOUN Pronoun वो शब्द होता है जिसका इस्तेमाल हम Noun की जगह पर करते हैं। ...
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Noun in Hindi : #1 Parts of Speech

Noun in Hindi
इस आर्टिकल में हम Noun in Hindi के बारे में पढ़ेंगे. Parts of Speech का सबसे Important Topic ...
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3,000+ Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning

3000 Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning 5000 Daily Use Vocabulary Hindi to English English words meaning in Hindi
हमारे नए Word Meaning Vocabulary article में आपका स्वागत है। हम 3,000 से अधिक सबसे common अंग्रेजी और ...
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5000 English to English Vocabulary with Meaning

5000 English to English Vocabulary
Welcome to our new Word Meaning Vocabulary article. We are going to share 5000 competitive exam English vocabulary ...
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This Meaning in Hindi : ‘This’ का प्रयोग with Examples

This meaning in Hindi
This Meaning in Hindi with Examples. अंग्रेजी में, ‘This’ एक संकेतात्मक सर्वनाम (demonstrative pronoun) और विशेषण (adjective) होता ...
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10 Spoken English Tips for Hindi Speakers

10 spoken english tips
In this article, You will get 10 Spoken English Tips for Hindi Speakers. Everyone, willing to learn spoken ...
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8 Parts of Speech in Hindi

Parts of Speech in Hindi
English सीखने के लिए हमे Parts of Speech in Hindi को जानना बहुत जरुरी है। 1 वाक्य , ...
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3 Parts of Sentence in Hindi : Subject, Verb, Object

parts of sentence in hindi
अगर आपको English Grammar सीखना है तो Parts of Sentence के बारे में पता होना चाहिए. Sentence क्या ...
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