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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 21

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 21
मैंने एक साल के लिए सिगरेट पीना छोड़ दिया था। I gave up smoking for a year. मुझे ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 20

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 20
Module – 96 बत्ती बंद करदो, प्लीज़। Turn off the light, please. हम सब उसके मज़ाक पर हँसे। ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 19

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 19
Module – 91 कितना बदल गया तू ! How changed you are! समय कितना बदल गया है ! ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 18

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 18
Module – 86 हमारे बीच बातचीत नहीं है। We are not in speaking terms. / We don’t talk ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 17

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 17
Module – 81 हम हर रोज़ नई चीजें सीखते हैं। We learn new things every day. उसकी स्थिति ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 16

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 16
Module – 76 बच्चों को बाहर भेजा गया। Children were sent outside. मुझे इसके बारे में सूचित नहीं ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 15

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 15
Module – 71 आपने गिलास को उल्टा पकड़ रखा है। You have held the glass upside down. आपने ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 14

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 14
Module – 66 आप बहुत देर लगा रहे हैं | You are taking too long. आप कहाँ काम ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 13

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 13
Module – 61 ये किसने किया? Who did it? उसने अनजाने में मुझे दुख पहुंचाया। He unknowingly hurt ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 12

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 12
Module – 56 वो अपने सपनों को साकार करेगा। He will fulfill his dreams. / He will materialize ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 11

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 11
Module – 51 मैं ऊपर की ओर जा रहा हूँ। I am going upwards पत्थर को ऊपर की ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 10

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 10
Module – 46 राम घूमता है। Ram walks. राम घूमने जाता है। Ram goes for a walk. वह ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 9

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 9
Module – 41 मैं तुम्हारे पीछे था। I was behind you. उसके पीछे कितने लोग खड़े हैं? How ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 8

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 8
Module – 36 क्या उसने मुझे फोन करने दिया? Did he let me call/phone/ring? तुमने उसे जाने क्यों ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 7

Module – 31 आप/तुम कौन हो? Who are you?? कौन जानता है? Who knows? कौन कौन जानते हैं? ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 6

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 6
Module – 26 मैं मजे कर रहा हूँ। I am having fun. / I am enjoying myself मैं ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 5

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 5
Module – 21 मैं 4 बजे तक निकल जाऊँगा। I will leave by 4 o’clock. हम सुबह तक ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 4

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 4
Module – 16 तुम वहाँ क्यों छिपे हुए हो? Why are you hidden there? जंगल में एक राजा ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 3

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 3
Module – 11 क्या तुम्हारे पास मोबाइल है? Do you have a mobile? मैं कौन हूँ? Who am ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 2

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 2
Module – 6 रोशनी को गीत गाना पड़ा था। Roshni had to sing a song. पिताजी को दिल्ली ...
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3000+ Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English – Part 1

3000 Daily Use Sentences for Spoken English 1
Click Here to Donwload FREE👉3000+ Daily Use Sentences Ebook Module – 1 मुझसे झूठ मत बोलो । Don’t ...
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